
This Blog is actually just an excuse for me to have a place to post a few of my myriad and always growing collection of photos! And, a way to keep my family and friends up to date on our activities.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Living Garden

This was so cool. There is a professional street performance troupe called Living Garden, and they were in Naples last weekend to advertise the grand opening of our newly renovated local botanical gardens.
There were two women, performing separately. They were on tall stilts, and they were holding what I call 'hand stilts' as well, so they had four balance points they could use at any one time. They were completely wrapped in ivy and grapes, and basically walked around, twining around various structures and striking ballet-type poses. Really, really amazing.
They mostly moved in slow motion, and it was hard to discern the shape of the person inside. They startled quite a few unwary shoppers when they went from stationary to moving!


  • At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    That is completely amazing! I wish I'd been there to see it.


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