
This Blog is actually just an excuse for me to have a place to post a few of my myriad and always growing collection of photos! And, a way to keep my family and friends up to date on our activities.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

It's Off to the Editor!


My manuscript has been shipped off to the desk of the editor !
(note: not publisher, just editor - big difference)

Mainly that means I don't have to think about it again until she sends it back to me - filled with notes about things to change. THEN I'll have to think about it again.

Hooray, hooray!

BTW- it's 95,000 words - so it's the size of a regular book.

Villa stuff

Our huge green plant (I've totally forgotten its name) all of a sudden bloomed! Big surprise!

Do you think the wind was blowing? Nothing newsworthy, but a dramatic storm nonetheless.